Monday, June 14, 2010

Big News!!!

So I have finally decided to transfer my blog to the Wordpress platform. I will keep this up for a while but from here on out I will direct you to

Thanks for your support and I hope you will continue to read my blog in its new home!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tweet me home!

So I have been a huge advocate of Twitter lately (as have most people that use it on a constant basis) and I have been pondering what this service means and how it should be used, especially in a business sense. What I came up with is a little old school, I will admit, but could help many people understand how to better use Twitter to their advantage.

I was thinking of the term "Mirco-Blogger" and conjure up images of Blogger or Wordpress and the one-way communication that typically happens with most blogs. Instead of this whole micro-blog I prefer to think of the old school chat rooms. Twitter is like a large chat room where you can be as selective as you want to be with who you see and can converse with. With this mentality maybe we would see less regurgitation of information and more of a dialog.

Another example that works well from the "chat room days" is the spammers. You look at what they would do (bring in links to click on without adding anything to the discussion) and you can see many companies doing the same thing. Be productive. Give, do not just try to take when on Twitter and you will do well.

Let me know what you think in the comments or hit me up on Twitter!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Are You The Manager of Your Social Media Future?

So I ran across this today when I logged into my Foursquare account. Go ahead and look... I am talking about the highlighted area that asks if you are the manager of the business. What is that you ask? Well I had to check it out for myself.

After clicking on the hyperlink it takes you to a page that explains what the business manager gets in return for claiming the venue:

In order to give you the power to create specials for your venue, we need to confirm that you're the person in charge of managing that venue.

In addition to being able to create specials for you location, Foursquare gives you access to its research:

By claiming your venue, you'll also get exclusive access to the stats we collect for your venue — how many people check in on what days and times, and lots of other goodies.

What I like about this "new" option (I haven't seen it before today) is that it is finally an option to track visits to your location. Foursquare will actually keep track of the visits for your specials. You are only allowed one active special at a time but can activate a new special at anytime.

Why is this significant you ask? Well this removes a barrier many small businesses have been facing to entering the Foursquare game. Before this it was a little more difficult to keep track of the specials and required more work on the part of the business owner. I applaud Foursquare's decision to make it easier to control the specials and look forward to what this is going to do for small business and the mainstream adoption of Foursquare's service. 

Gowalla has had a little buzz as of late (no social media pun intended) that would also be great as a blog post... maybe another post is in order?

What is your take on the new "fad" of geolocation apps? Will the fad fade or is this the next big thing? Do we even need geolocation? Let me know!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Social Media 102 - Reblogged

So I figured I would post this here because it pertains to small business as well as the nonprofit sector. This is from another blog I write for which can be found here. Enjoy!

So it has been a while since we last posted a blog update. Just know that we have not forgotten about the nonprofit sector but are truly trying to get this little company up and running to be able to help out with your social media needs.

Now you may be saying, "why does a nonprofit really need to use social media?" This is a valid question. Social media is something that many people do not understand or are actually a little afraid of implementing in the marketing mix because it is something you cannot control. Well hopefully this post will dispel a few of those fears for you.

Well first off, why do you need to use social media? My answer would be because it is a cheap and effective way to reach out to those who would actually help. Think about it, many people already use the RSS features of many news sites to keep up with what is going on in the world. Even if you just use Twitter like the RSS feeds, you are getting those who donate their time and goods to your cause. You can Tweet different needs your organization may have or even different events you may be having. Only those who know you and have had some contact with you will follow you. Same thing with Facebook. Set up a Flickr account to show the activities and service opportunities. There are many ways you can use social media to your advantage.

Next up, control. While yes it is technically true that you cannot control what is said about your brand on the various social media outlets, (and this is great for transparency) you still have a little control. First off you need to make sure what you are doing is ethical and the way your treat your volunteers is in line with how they should be treated. Of course you will still have some naysayers as that is just business but it is how you handle those negative remarks (and you MUST handle them) that will show your true worth as an organizational leader.

If you need any help, feel free to contact us at More to come later.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"I'm an ideas man, Michael..."

So I have been thinking of little things I could do to make the Marketing world a little better place. Figured I might as well get my head wrapped around the idea of brainstorming on a regular basis for that day when I get a job. Well I figured I would share some of my ideas.... with the knowledge that they may get stolen at some point.  Well here it goes (and I am not sharing all my ideas... that would be stupid).

My first thought is on the location-based app world that is starting to bloom. It is no secret that I really like Foursquare. It has become an addicting little pass time  for me as of late. I began to think of how Foursquare to monetize their business (and this goes for Gowalla, Loopt and the others out there) and came to a conclusion. All of this data that these companies collect is VERY valuable. You find out how many people they usually show up with, what they are saying and how often they go (probably what kind of phone they checked-in on as well). This can be a lot of use for marketers. Why not sell this information to the companies? Now before you grab your I-want-my-privacy pitchforks let me explain that they would not get any information you are not giving to your social networks and you could opt-out of the personal information sharing, just the location sharing would be shared.

Start off with a pricing plan that for each location you want info on you pay a certain price. Then if you want info on your competitors you pay more. Well you can see where I am getting at here. This would help with the market research and make sure these budding social media companies stick around a while longer.

Next up I figured I would put in a PR idea I have. This also deals with Foursquare and the adoption of social media into your integrated marketing strategy. So you already use email marketing... or you should, and now you are diving into the realm of location-based sharing to get your company out there. You have your Twitter, Facebook, blog, Flickr and other social media profiles on your website. Now what? Well you can check to see who is Mayor of your locations and give them a little bonus or discount. You then mention the discount on your website to entice others to jockey for that coveted position. Even better, you post the profile or name of the current mayor of your locations on your Facebook, blog and email newsletter to encourage competition. You make people want to gain that mayorship to gain that recognition. Maybe give discounts for kicking a mayor out. You want turnover in that mayorship because that means loyalty and repeat business.

These are just some of my ideas. Take them as they come. Ask me for more... but the next ones will cost you (I want a job).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blockbuster idea or too little too late?

So it is no surprise that Netflix and Redbox are taking over how we rent videos. Less overhead to deal with then the brick and mortar counterparts. What is surprising is the deal they both signed with Warner Bros studios making it so the WB movies arrive in stock a full month after being released. Smart move on WB's part as it (hopefully) will boost DVD and Blu-Ray sales, although unlikely to make a big difference. This blog post is not directly about this deal or even the two previously mentioned rental companies. It is about Blockbuster.

I had read this article today on about the fact that Blockbuster is in danger. They have way too much debt and, well let's face it, an antiquated business model. I am impressed with the flexibility Blockbuster has had in trying to change the way they have done business and using the brick and mortar stores to their advantage but is it too little too late?

Well the aforementioned article mentioned a possible competitive advantage that Blockbuster may now have up its sleeve. Blockbuster also recently signed a deal with Warner Bros but this deal lets Blockbuster have the movies when they come out for a sharply discounted price, allowing WB to receive more of the rental royalties. What does this mean for Blockbuster? More cash up front to pay down its debt. Also it gives it the chance to run store and print ads like this:

Now this is aggressive advertising. This is arguably one of the biggest movies of the last year and look you has it first! I applaud you Blockbuster and wish you well. I hope this works for you as you now deserve a little more street cred.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Social media 101 (reblogged)

So this is a little something for a side project I am starting up with a family member. What I have done here is explain a little about the social media realm for nonprofits. Sorry if it is a little shaky and hard to hear but I recorded it on my cell phone and at the park (in my car) because that was the quietest spot I could find at the time. Let me know what you think!
Originally from here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sex sells (Now maybe people will read my blog!)

So we have all heard the phrase that sex sells. Well does it really? Short answer is yes. Now this would not make for a good blog post so I figure I will give my two cents on why sex seems to work so well.

I have a theory with advertising and marketing and the most effective campaigns. The best campaigns have that "Wow Factor" that leaves the audience with quite an impression on the company or product. Sex just so happens to be one of the items that can work and that is why it sells. Humor is also one of those huge aspects of advertising that just works for some companies. Look at Budweiser and the famous Bud-Weis-Er frogs from so long ago. Spokespeople also work along the same lines. Michael Jordan had a great run with Gatorade and Nike.

Basically I guess my reasoning behind this post was to partly debunk the "Sex Sells" line while also showing why the line is true. Confusing, I know. Also I wrote this to show that sex does not have to be used in advertising as Humor, Spokespeople and more can be used. You could say that lazy advertisers use sex to sell their products but that too is not entirely true. There are products and companies that have used sex to sell their products VERY effectively. As with any campaign you must take a look at the target audience, your product and the company culture to determine if sex works. Basically my blog post has been a way for me to declare the validity of and uselessness of sex in advertising.

If that was not confusing for you then you are my hero. That is all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Social Media Meltdown

So a while back I talked about a few new-er social media apps; Loopt, Wave and Foursquare. Time has come and gone and I have decided on a winner (in my book). Of course this is just my personal preference so take it as you will, and try to convince me otherwise in the comments!

My last place app would be Loopt. I honestly did not keep it long as it did not have the "wow" factor that made me want to keep using it. Basically I could do everything Loopt can do (minus actually looking for a place to eat) with Twitter. I did not see the benefit to using the app and stopped using it very quickly.

Next up is Wave. I left this at second place because I kind of still use it. A group of friends and I get together via Wave to talk about music but the conversation starts to lag.... not due to our lack of knowledge on the subject but due to the service itself. Our group only consisted of four members at that time, really? This shouldn't happen. At least it is free and technically still in closed beta so maybe it will get better.

Next up, and my favorite, Foursquare. What sets Foursquare apart from the other location based apps is the game you play. Checking in is fun and all but the first time you get that Mayor status you get a little sense of entitlement. Upon losing a mayor status, it is like being demoted at work. You almost feel like less of a person and you try to win it back (great news for the business). Becoming mayor of even more places or getting more badges then your friends is like street cred. You have bragging rights.

I have been exchanging Tweets with (I guess you could say) friend on Twitter about this service lately and have come to the consensus that it is just plain addicting. Going out of your way to "check-in." The history of my Foursquare looks like a listing of local restaurants. It is a unique way to show ownership of your local area and to share it with your friends. If you are afraid of sharing your status, you can not send it to Facebook or Twitter but if that is not good enough you can always set Foursquare to hide your whereabouts even from friends on Foursquare.

The way I see it is Foursquare is stimulating the economy, one check-in at a time. Can't go wrong with that.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Too many hands....

So I had the great opportunity to meet with a business group today. Let me put it this way, and I hope it does not sound harsh, the company has potential but will not grow as it is presently constituted. The problem? Too many ideas from too many people. In theory the idea behind the company is great, get people from as many different specialties as possible to generate the greatest amount of ideas that do not cost anything to implement (ok so that last part is not as conducive to making money but that is not the point of this post). The problem is the amount of "expertise" in the room.

What I have found from my business traveling's in the small business world is that sometimes you just need to jump in to test the water. The more you think about your product/service the more you will over think. Now this is not always the case but 9 times out of 10 this will happen. Am I advocating not having a plan? No. I am advocating having more of a guideline and that you tweak it as you go. You need to stay flexible when starting and running a business as change is inevitable. Taking on business partners can be good, as long as you do not have too many and they all know what role they are to play.

Remember my motto, Dive in and Adjust your Plan!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Best, Guaranteed, Most Effective Social Media Marketing Techniques!

So I hope you did not come to this blog looking for the tips that would make you a super star social media marketer in the eyes of your employer because, much like those late night get rich quick schemes, there is no one formula for hitting it big. What you need are the basics and a willingness to learn. Now that will not get me a spot in a big marketing seminar but honestly I am here to give my insights. What I can do is give you my steps towards potential social media greatness... after all if you wanted a strict proven formula for success you would have chosen a field other then marketing.

First and foremost, you need to jump in. You can learn everything from book... or in this case websites, but if you do not take that first leap, noting is going to happen. Research is of course key. That part of marketing should not be left out as you NEED to know who you are targeting, which kind of social media they use most (but honestly jumping into Facebook, Twitter and blogging are going to be your best bet... at first) and what they look for online.  Once you have the basics about your demographic you need to take that leap.

After jumping in you need to tweak your strategy. Yes you still need somewhat of a strategy to get this done but the strategy is flexible. The way to tweak the strategy is to continue learning from your favorite social media marketers, be they bloggers or actual companies that you feel are doing a great job. Follow them, learn from them, observe their ways. This is how I have actually learned the most. I have seen what true social media dialogue should be.

Ask your followers. When you get a few, a certain number to be determined in your strategy, ask them what they want from following you. If you rely on the people who you are trying to get in touch with, there is a good chance others are going to feel the same way. As you ask for information you will also make your followers feel part of the process. They will be invested in you, your online strategy and your company, WIN-WIN!

Next up is do not be pushy. We all know the hot used car salesman that always gets on everyone's nerves. Why are they everyone's favorite? They only talk about the sale. Don't be that guy. Talk about news that is pertinent to your industry, look for glowing reviews of your product and retweet it out for others to see and you can always take the Best Buy route and go for a support squad, looking for opportunities to service your potential customers. One of my favorites is the good old contest/giveaway approach, for questions geared towards your business off course. Do not be the used car salesman of Twitter, for all of our sakes.

I will also say that you need to innovate. Try something new. Use social media as a way for people to receive discounts or special information on sales. There are a number of ways for you to innovate and bring more customers to your website. Be creative.

These are the basics. Build on them. Just remember that there is no true secret formula to success on the interwebs, no matter what you are told. Look into the blogosphere and even Mashable, they are good people.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Advertising on Quack!

So I was watching the season premier of 24 this past weekend when I happened upon the new ad from the Zimmerman Agency in Florida and the supplemental insurance company AFLAC. This new campaign is challenging the public's notion that AFLAC is just like their major medical insurance provider and that there is no need for the company's products. Having sold insurance for the company for a few years I understand the frustration that the company is going through. They have only recently started advertising what they do. The ads that originally came out did not give a lot of information, only the annoyingly cute duck spokes-animal.

What they are trying to do now is dispel the myth that AFLAC is like all the other insurance providers that are considered the primary insurance. The "supplemental" title has started being used (I am not going to go into detail about the differences between the two types of insurance as the purpose of my blog is not to try to sell products or services.... besides, I will not get a commission off any sells made (; ) to differentiate itself.  It is great to see the strategy expanded. Could the spot be better? I am sure. I do love the challenge to find out more but maybe they could give an incentive to those who do try to find out more. The typical consumer has been ignoring their ads for years so will this really help? Hopefully more then I give them credit for.

Check out the splash site they have set up to complement the campaign and see if you "know quack."