So as I go about looking for my next internship to get me through my last semester of school I have noticed something. I noticed that most ad agencies are looking for help in their interactive division. This means they want people with design skills but most importantly with the Abode Creative Suite design skills. This poses somewhat of a problem as it was never purchased in my home nor was I ever given the opportunity to learn it. I am realizing that this is the way most ad agencies are going now, not only for print material but also for the interactive portion. They want ad designers, the whole package, not just those that will help decide what to do.
Now from what I hear Abode is not that hard to learn. That is not my point here. Time is more important right now. I have to start my career search soon and finish school but I also need to learn a program that I have no money for. I guess this is just how it works out.
Times they are a-changin' as it is said. Technology needs to be learned to get ahead in the business place and society dictates what must be learned. As for me I guess there will have to be some way to get around this and either learn the software or find a position that does not need it. Have fun everyone and good luck!