Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Long time, no post

So lately I have been a little too busy to post. I am currently job hunting, finishing my last semester at school, working an internship, running a separate website from this, having a family life and social life, and working on an advertising campaign for a local non-profit company called HomeBase Youth Services. I lead a busy life and unfortunately I have completely put off my blog. I guess you can call it lack of time/sleep to concentrate on this one thing. I do have about 3 entries I started on and for one reason or another, never finished. Well I figured it was about time.

A couple things have changed in my life this semester. Not only has it been a rough time trying to get everything done, but I have realized that maybe the path I was going down for a career is changing  originally thought of going into product/brand management in an international company. My dream really is to go international at some point in my career. I am now gravitating towards advertising. 

I am currently in an advertising class and am loving it. I am also the lead on the advertising project for HomeBase and I love using my creativity while being in charge of something so important. It is a great feeling. It is also interesting to see the board of the organization look at my group as if we have no idea what we are doing and the challenge is then to get approval for our projects. It is a great game of cat and mouse. Honestly at this point I want a job in advertising but I see how hard it is to get into right now with the large number of layoffs. Well I guess persistence pays off. Wish me luck!

P.S. Check out this ad from a local company, Moses Anshell. Great guys. I know Louie Moses and he is very intelligent and incredibly creative.

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